🚀 Up +230% - What is next?

Institutional Crypto Research Written by Experts

We specialize in delivering top-tier research at the crossroads of digital assets and financial markets. Our institutional-grade research stands out for its actionable insights that frequently lead to profitable outcomes for our readers.

10x Research offers three distinct services:

3) research services for institutions.

Are you a subscriber to either 1) newsletter or 2) institutional-grade research? If not then you are missing out.

👇 1) Our recommendation from October 26 has returned +230% and while this is a massive rally, we could still argue that this Bitdeer stock is cheap. The stock returned to its IPO price when Bitcoin was trading at 28,000. Today, Bitcoin is at 44,000.

👇 2) Lots of people have made massive money on our trading recommendations this year and everybody should consider subscribing to 10x Research institutional offering. This has not been a one-day wonder recommendation. We called for Bitcoin to rally to 45,000 by Christmas on February 1 and many other great calls.

👇 3) So this is the time for you to support us and subscribe to our premium institutional offering. This premium subscription has even more ideas, and trading signals (we recommended Ethereum and Bitcoin end of September and recently BNB to those subscribers, and many more premium offerings).

👇 4) Many have suggested that even the price of this newsletter of $125 per annum is too cheap and that this should be a subscription-only newsletter. So by the end of January 2024, we will only send ideas and views to paid subscribers and we will also raise the subscription price.

👇 5) So this is the time for you to show commitment, as we are committed to delivering actionable and money-making ideas also in 2024 for you. We will build this 10x Research out and we are grateful for all the paying subscribers from around the world.

👇 6) In January, I will also release an updated version of by book ‘Crypto Titans’ and every institutional-grade subscriber will also receive three complimentary copies of this book. This is a great journey for digital assets and we will help you to capitalize on it.

👇 7) So to everyone who made money with our ideas and to everyone who is and will be a paying subscriber, next year will be epic again.

👇 8) If you are a crypto service provider or asset/wealth manager and want our research for your clients, we are happy to discuss partnerships.